Lost Causes and the Power of Innovation

Lost Causes and the Power of Innovation

Innovation is about more than just apps, SaaS and the Internet of Things. It’s also about cutting-edge medical treatments. It’s about taking on the most difficult cases. It’s about making the world a better place.

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What the ‘Rise of the Rest’ Is Still Missing

What the ‘Rise of the Rest’ Is Still Missing

The headline of a recent post on Recode says it all: “A whopping 80% of all venture capital investment goes to just three states. That has to change.” Those three states would be California, New York and Massachusetts. The entirety of the Midwest — all 12 states... Read more
Peter Thiel Is Bullish on the Midwest. So Are We

Peter Thiel Is Bullish on the Midwest. So Are We

Peter Thiel is one of the savviest investors of our time. His $2.5 billion net worth is proof of that. So when Thiel says the next big innovations will be born in the American Midwest, it’s probably a safe bet that he’s onto something — especially since he is planning to put his money where his mouth is.

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