With 2021 well underway and public markets still exuberant, we think it’s an important time to highlight some of the key private market venture investment themes that iSelect Fund has identified for the year. We continue to believe that the technologies that are transforming agriculture, food, and wellness will flourish.

Let’s group them into four areas for our discussion. First, we have the technologies that enable better food choices to drive better health outcomes. Now more than ever, individuals and health providers are adopting and will continue to adopt better nutrition to solve this spiraling cost of food-related illness.

Companies like Benson Hill and Brightseat Bio use sophisticated proprietary cloud biology to design the high nutrition inputs for better food. We all know that demand for plant-based protein is surging, and food manufacturers need greater amounts of affordable, high-quality plant protein inputs to meet this demand. Our companies provide these inputs.

Second, we have the technologies that drive better and more profitable farm operations, including healthier soil. I select companies like Sentara integrate, operating software imaging, sensors, and data analytics to make faster decisions and better use resources.

Companies like Plant Response, Kulabio, and Pattern Ag enable biological solutions for better soil and crop health. Third, we have the technologies that drive the consumerization of healthcare. Again important. Now more than ever, we have a new generation of digital monitoring and diagnostic devices delivering far more targeted and effective results.

Personalized medicine and wellness are thriving as a result. iSelect company Readout, for example, has a breath-based ketone monitor. Nix has a wearable hydration monitor.

Fourth, biome-based treatment technologies continue improving the standard of care for auto-immune metabolic and inflammatory conditions, both in adults and for better protection of infants.

Our companies Holobiome and Evolve are just two examples of companies that are using bio-based treatments to both improve health and quality of life. So in short, and iSelect, we continue to invest for impact and performance. We offer quality access to emerging growth companies through our national venture capital offering our structure allows our investors to continue to invest in these companies as they develop.