Euclises is drug discovery and development company targeting some of the deadliest cancers out there—cancers that combine to cause over 200,000 fatalities each year in the U.S. alone. By offering new treatment options for cancer patients suffering from colorectal, non-small cell lung and pancreatic cancers, they aim to bring hope to many who currently face insurmountable odds.

Their mission is clear: to save lives by treating the right patient with the right dose of the right drug, and they have worked hard to assemble the perfect team to execute this plan.

Staffed with the best and brightest in the industry, Euclises’ founder and Chief Scientific Officer Dr. John Talley is the inventor of 8 drugs that have achieved market approval and is known for his involvement in developing the blockbuster drug Celebrex®. In addition, they have secured as their president and CEO Dr. Bobby Sandage, Jr., who has over 33 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. The list goes on.

With this team in place, they have already made considerable headway and have landed significant strategic partnerships with entities such as Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine & Health, a large publicly funded research institution in China, and Cultivation Capital, their lead investor in their Series A round.

Read more about Euclises and their amazing story.