iSelect is a venture firm. What that means is we look at hundreds and hundreds of different companies as potential investments and we chose the best of those to invest in.

We apply tough diligence standards to each of them, looking at whether or not each team has a good plan for growing a business. Is the team qualified? Are they credible? Have they done anything sketchy in their past? Is there any sort of fear that, if we invest in them, they won’t succeed? We go through this tough set of diligence standards as we review hundreds of different companies, and sort out the few that we believe provide the best opportunity for investment.

Then, iSelect takes that smaller set of investments and goes out to investors who are interested in venture capital to generate investment capital for them. We provide a way for these investors to invest either directly into each individual company of their own choice, or as part of a larger portfolio. With iSelect they can decide that they just want to take $200,000 and invest in the next 20 companies, and get a nice diversified exposure to venture as an asset class that way.

What makes us different is the fact that iSelect provides the average investor access to these types of transactions. We co-invest alongside other venture capitalists and we manage the investments on the behalf of our investors. We source all the transactions, and then through to an exit when a company would become public, or get bought, we manage that whole investment process on behalf of our investors.